Let Us Rank and STICK Your Niche Sites To The First Page For The LONG-TERM With Our Done-For-You Social Syndication System
Watch this Short Video To Have
us Do ALL Your Syndication FOR YOU!
- 100% Done-For-You Syndication System
- NO Software to Download or Learn
- ZERO Social Account Creation Required on Your Part
- NO Captchas or Proxies to Deal With
- HUNDREDS of Social And Wiki Links Built FOR YOU
- Submit ALL Your Tube Charge Campaigns for Syndication
- Agency Access Included for a VERY-Limited Time
- 5,000 credits Every MONTH at a MASSIVE Discount
- 2,500 BONUS Credits Every MONTH for Fast Action Takers
Ready To Lock-In Your HEAVILY Discounted
Credits Every Single Month Plus ALL The Bonuses?
All you need to do is put down $1 today to LOCK IN Your Discount!
80% Discount - Only $1 To Secure - 30 Day Guarantee

All right guys, Josh here again
and on this page, I have something VERY powerful to share with you that’s going to ensure that your niche sites not only rank FAST, but also rank for the LONG-TERM as well!
Because that’s what truly matters, right?
Making sure that you do the work ONCE, and your niche sites rank and STICK on the first page of Google for years and years to come..
And do you want to know what this SECRET is to ensuring your campaigns STICK long-term?
It’s high-quality, social syndication!
Yup, social syndication is our #1, go to strategy for OBLITERATING our competition in the SHORT-TERM and LONG-TERM!
Having A High-Quality And Proven Social-Syndication System In Your Arsenal Is The Secret To Getting Long-Term Rankings, Traffic And Sales!
It’s the part of the ranking process that MOST people FALL short with and wonder why their campaigns don’t produce the results they’re looking for.
And I don’t blame them. Social Syndication is one of the trickiest and toughest parts of the entire ranking formula..
Most social syndication software is extremely EFFECTIVE, but also EXTREMELY complicated..
To do it in MASS quantities:
- You most likely have to purchase a downloadable software (which will mostly likely work on PC only)
- You have to watch HOURS of tutorial videos to learn how to use it
- You have to spend a few more hours creating ALL the social accounts needed before you can syndicate ANYTHING
- You have to write relevant content for EVERY campaign you submit
- AND most of the time, you have to pay for PROXIES and CAPTCHAS to ensure that your syndication has a HIGH success ratio…
However, ALL of that CHANGES TODAY! Just like we’ve completely CHANGED the ENTIRE video ranking process, we’ve also COMPLETELY changed the ENTIRE Social syndication process as well!
We’ve changed it SOOO much, that we’re going to do EVERYTHING for YOU!
Yup, we’ve created our OWN, high-quality, done-for-you MASS social syndication platform!

DFY Suite Is Our New, Done-For-You, Social-Syndication System That Allows You To Dominate Google And Youtube Long-Term Without Doing Any Of The Work Yourself!
With Our New Platform, ALL You Have To Do Is:
Step 1
Login to our web-based portal

Step 2
Submit Your Keywords and URL
Step 3
Select how many syndication links you want And Hit “Submit”

From There Our System Will Get To Work And Build You
Hundreds Of High-Quality Syndication Links To Your Content!

This Is Literally The Easiest System For Syndicating Your Tube Charge Campaigns
Without Having To Do Any Of The Work Yourself!
PLUS, for A VERY limited-time, since you’ve secured agency rights for Tube Charge, we’re also going to be including AGENCY rights For DFY Suite as well!
This means you’ll be able to use DFY Suite for your CLIENT campaigns as well and keep 100% of the Profit!
You’ll NEVER have to do ANY social syndication YOURSELF - EVER Again!
Leveraging The Power Of Social Syndication For Yourself And For Your Clients Will Never Be The Same After You Get DFY Suite!

Plus, we’ve built DFY Suite via a simple credit-based system
So that you’re in FULL control of ALL the syndication you want us to do for you.
And it’s very simple, 1 credit equals 1 syndication link.
When you submit your campaign, you can select for us to create from 25 social links to each video to as high as 300 with our Elite level that you’ll be getting access to today!
And since Tube Charge allows you to create a TON of campaigns at a time, we want to ensure that you can easily submit your campaigns to DFY Suite and ALWAYS have credits at your disposal.
Joining DFY Suite As An Elite Member Today Ensures That Your Account Gets Replenished With 5,000 New Credits Every Single Month!
That is A LOT of syndication that you can deploy to your campaigns HOWEVER you’d like and we’ll do ALL the work for you!
Plus, since you’re joining DFY Suite through this private page, you’re getting our HEAVILY discounted rate. If you purchase credits inside of our members area, they’re A LOT more expensive.
And to make it even BETTER, we’re going to include an extra 2,500 BONUS credits every single month as a special BONUS for joining us today.
We like to reward people who recognize a great deal when they see one and this is one of those deals.
You CANNOT get this deal outside of this page.
AND we STILL haven't covered the BEST part!
All you have to do to secure your discounted rate, PLUS your 2,500 MONTHLY bonus credits (which means you’ll now be getting 7,500 credits EVERY month) is to put down ONE dollar today!
Yup, 1 Dollar Will:
- Ensure you lock-in your discounted rate
- Immediately unlocks your 5,000 initial credits
- Unlocks your 2,500 BONUS credits
- Locks in your AGENCY rights to use for your clients as well
- AND it ensures you automatically get your 7,500 credits into your account EVERY single month thereafter!

Talk about awesome, right?
Plus, You’re Also Covered By Our
30-Day Money Back Guarantee As Well
If for some reason you feel DFY Suite is not for you and you prefer to do your own social syndication, just shoot us an email and we’ll immediately cancel your account.
Heck, we’ll even give you back your $1 if you’d like.
So go ahead and secure your discounted rate plus all of the bonuses for DFY Suite below this video:
No Thanks, I prefer to NOT Lock in my discount today.
I understand that credits will be A LOT more expensive in the members area and I’m ok with that.