Do You Want to Get MORE Rankings, Traffic and Sales,

FASTER and EASIER - WITHOUT doing ANY of the Work Yourself?

Get FREE Targeted-Traffic to ANY Offer (or Service)
By Letting Our PROVEN Army of 9,055 Members
Do ALL Your Social Syndication FOR YOU
So You Can Rank on Page 1 in 48 hours or less..

And It Works For ANY Niche, ANY Location And ANY Language
And It Does Not Matter If You’ve Tried Other Ranking Tools And Failed!

(we’ve created the BEST and ONLY platform for getting REAL social shares,
from REAL people, located ALL over the world - 100% automatically)

  • 100% Done-For-You Social Syndication from REAL people located ALL over the world, so you DO NOT have to do ANY of the work yourself!
  • This is the BEST way to get rankings FAST and for the LONG-TERM WITHOUT worrying about being “penalized” (100% Whitehat)
  • NO Software to Download or Learn - the ONLY thing you have to do is create your campaign and input your URL and keywords
  • NO Captchas or Proxies to Deal With, so you save even MORE money while STILL getting a ton of results
  • NEW: Auto-Share Feature So You’re GUARANTEED To Get HUNDREDS of REAL Social Shares PER campaign - 100% hands-free
  • NEW: Automated AI Content Generation So You Can Submit ANY URL to the “sharing pool” in 60 Seconds Or Less!
  • Limited Bonus: Agency License to Get Rankings For Your Clients as well!
  • Plus a TON of other AWESOME Bonuses Available only for a VERY limited-time!

Total Shares Completed By SyndBuddy Members


(Share count automatically updated every 60 minutes)

Number of Users Ready To
Share Your Content


(Real people located all over the world)

If You Want To Get More Traffic, More Sales And More Rankings Without Doing Any Of The Work Yourself, Then You’re In The Right Place!

My Promise To You On This Page is To Show You:

How You Can Get Fast Page 1 Rankings (That Stick Long-Term) By Having Our Army Of 9,055 Members Do Your Social Syndication For You!

Yup, I’m Talking About Thousands Of Real Members Located All Over The World, Sharing Your Content On Their Social Platforms…

...Without You Doing Any Of The Work,
Besides Submitting The Url You Want To Get Traffic For!

But At The Same Time, I Promise
That I Will Not Waste Any Of Your Time.

I’m not going to bore you with some LONG, useless sales letter story.

We’re all busy, right?

And I want to respect your time, which is why we built a DONE-FOR-YOU system in the first place.

So Let’s Just Cut Right To The Chase, Deal?

If you’d like to know EXACTLY how to start exploiting Google to get as MUCH traffic, leads and sales as you’d like, then you’ll want to pay VERY close attention to this page.

Because on this page, you’re going to learn about a powerful and unique strategy unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before!

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

Here’s What A Handful Of Our Members Have To Say About SyndBuddy:

Here's a testimonial from a member of a Facebook Group that I don't even OWN!

Plus, If You're On This Page That Means That

You're Here During Our Special AI Grand Opening!

Yup, since our initial opening roughly 4 years ago, we've been hard at work ensuring that we made our platform, BETTER, FASTER and MORE powerful to deliver you even MORE results!

I'm talking about AMAZING, NEW features like our new AUTO-Share feature to ensure EVERYONE get’s REAL shares RIGHT away, our AUTOMATED AI content generator so you can submit ANY url in under 60 seconds to be shared by other members, and much much more...

Plus, we've put together a VERY special, limited-time discount offer during this grand opening with some extremely valuable bonuses that you will NOT be able to get outside of this exclusive deal.

So stay tuned because we have a WHOLE section below where we talk about ALL about the NEW features that we've implemented to continue to make SyndBuddy the BEST platform on the market for getting you page 1 rankings on a silver platter by having OUR members do ALL your social syndication FOR YOU!

But Before We Get Into That...

I Have A Very Quick Lesson
To Share With You

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of marketing online (closing in on 11 years full-time), it’s that websites and videos WITHOUT traffic mean NOTHING!

And websites and videos without QUALITY, social-syndication get NOWHERE when it comes to getting FREE, targeted-traffic from Google and YouTube..

You can have the MOST beautiful website in ALL the Internet.

And you can have the MOST beautiful and perfectly animated videos, with the perfect sales message and amazing graphics…

However, if these web properties aren’t being SEEN by people that are going to pull out their credit cards and BUY something...

They’re Absolutely Useless, Right?

And no fancy page builder, video editor or video creation software can change that.

So we worked overtime to develop, perfect, and deliver the key thing that was missing from 99% of peoples’ website and video marketing ---

We Developed The Easiest Platform
For Getting Traffic And Generating Profit

Without Doing Any Of The Boring, “Grunt” Work Yourself!

That’s what SyndBuddy is beautifully built to do.

It allows you to tap into a PRE-BUILT Army of REAL people that are ready to share YOUR content all over the internet… you can get rankings FAST and for the long-term, which leads to MORE targeted traffic, leads and sales from Google and YouTube.

And I Don’t Care What Anyone Says: Getting Free Traffic From Google And Youtube Is The Best Kind Of Traffic You Can Ever Get - Ever!!

NO OTHER Traffic Source COMES ANYWHERE CLOSE to being as good and as HIGH-CONVERTING as FREE, Search-engine traffic.

And You Want To Know The Best Part?

We’ve Simplified The Entire Process For You To Get Targeted Traffic To Any Content You’d Like Into 3 Simple Steps

Step 1


Enter your username and password to login to the web-based portal

Step 2

Submit URL

Submit any URL you’d like to the “sharing pool” so members can start Syndicating your content for you

Step 3

Hit Start

Hit "Start" And Watch Your Rankings, Traffic And Profit Skyrocket By Leveraging The Power Of Their "Ranking Army"

Yup, That’s It!

From There Our Army Of 9,055 Members Will Get To Work For You And Build You Hundreds Of Social Links To Any URL You’d Like - 100% Hands-Free!

  • NO Software To Install
  • No Software Training To Learn
  • No Social Account Creation Needed (if you don't want to)
  • No Content Needed On Your Part
  • No Proxies or Captchas Needed
  • NOTHING is Needed But The URL You Want Traffic For

But Josh Why Should I Even Care About Having Other People Share My Content?

This is definitely a genuine concern. If you’re brand new to ranking niche sites and videos on page 1 of Google and YouTube, you probably have NO idea why you should even CARE about using social syndication to get rankings.

...Let alone having OTHER people do your social syndication FOR YOU, which we can also call “community SEO” “Buddy sharing system” or “Social Exchange SEO”...

Well, in case you’re not aware, Social Syndication is pretty much the NEW SEO.

Social Syndication is the BEST, MOST powerful and MOST natural way that ALL marketers use to get rankings, traffic and sales From Google and Youtube.

This Is A Fact!

Having A High-Quality And Proven Social-Syndication System In Your Arsenal Is The Secret To Getting Fast And Long-Term Rankings, Traffic And Sales!

I don’t care what anyone says…

You can do ALL the Keyword Research you want

You can create the MOST eye-catching videos you want

You can have the MOST beautiful website on the planet

You can optimize your content to the MAX

However, if you don’t have a STRONG Syndication system, you will NEVER be able to TRULY get traffic, sales and leads from the search engines, let alone be able to COMPETE with the “big boys”..

Especially if you want to rank FAST AND for the LONG-TERM!

You Can Not Rank Long-Term Without A Strong Syndication System In Your Corner!

This has been proven over and over and over again throughout the years. And when it comes to social syndication, you can break it up into two layers:

Sharing your content YOURSELF on YOUR OWN social platforms

Having OTHER people share YOUR content on THEIR platforms

Layer 1 is the simplest one that anyone can do either manually or with software.

This first layer of social syndication is extremely powerful and is one of the MOST popular go-to strategies for people looking to get first page rankings.

Heck, we even have our own platform that does that for you and it works EXTREMELY well and we have a TON of testimonials.

However, “community SEO” or “buddy SEO”   (where a group of people have joined together and agreed to share EACH OTHER’s content) is where the REAL POWER comes in.

Getting Other People To Share Your Content All Over Social Sites Is A Massive Advantage Above All Other Forms Of Syndication!

It is the BOOSTER, the SUPER CHARGER, the NOS or whatever you want to call it!

In short, it’s pretty much EXACTLY what Google wants: Natural, social sharing of content by REAL people on REAL, unique accounts!

Several years ago, A TON of marketers realized the power of “community SEO” or a “buddy sharing system” that they created Private FB groups and Private Skype Groups for the purpose of members manually sharing each other’s content.

And this worked well for a short period of time, but since it was all a MANUAL process with NO checks and balances, the momentum just died off over time and it was NOT sustainable.

That’s Why We Decided To Automate The Entire Process Into An Easy-To-Use Web App That Guarantees You Get Real Shares From Real Members

So You Can Claim As Much Page 1 Rankings As You’d Like!

Allow Me To Introduce You To

When You Access SyndBuddy

You’re Going To Be Able to Have Our Members Deliver You As Much Traffic, Sales And Profit As You’d Like On A Silver Platter!

Let Me Show You How Easy It Is To Have The SyndBuddy Army Do All The Heavy Lifting For You!

SyndBuddy Is Our Proven, Done-For-You, Social-Exchange System That Allows You To Dominate Google And Youtube Without Doing Any Of The Work Yourself!

With SyndBuddy:

You can submit ANY URL. It can be a video, a niche site, an Amazon page, a client site, a client Google local listing URL, an eCommerce store, ANYTHING!

It’s 100% Done-For-You so ZERO work is required on your part once you submit the URL you want traffic for. Our Army will get to work for you ASAP!

You can supply the content if you’d like that will go along with your campaigns into the “sharing pool” (this is 100% optional)

You can let our system generate the content for your campaigns FOR YOU in a matter of a few mouse clicks so you can create new campaigns in 60 seconds or less!

You’ll have FULL access to your syndication report once it’s been completed

And much much more…

Plus, We've Taken Things Up A Notch This Version That We're Releasing Today!

As I mentioned at the beginning of this page, you are here during our Grand AI re-opening..

Which means, better features, a better platform, and BETTER results for our users...

We've automated our sharing system, added more authority, added video embedding, improved our syndication system, added our new content system and much much more..

We've pretty much turned Syndbuddy into an UNSTOPPABLE Machine to shoot your content straight to the first page of Google and YouTube!

And remember, we've put together a VERY special, limited-time discount offer during this grand opening with some extremely valuable bonuses that you will NOT be able to get outside of this page.

Let's jump into a quick video so I can show you everything about SyndBuddy!

What is New in SyndBuddy?

We've Taken Things To A Whole New Level!

We've Made SyndBuddy Better, Faster And More Powerful To Deliver You Even More Rankings, Traffic And Sales!

But How Have We Made It Better?

One-Click Auto-Sharing

Yup, we have now thrown an ocean-sized amount of GAS on this ALREADY well-lit FIRE house!

This GAS that we’ve poured on this fire is the ability for ALL users to turn on AUTO-SHARING of each other’s content!

One thing we noticed was a certain % of people tended to drop off over time and stop sharing content because it was a MANUAL PROCESS! They had to actually login, and share other people’s content.

With this update, we have SOLVED that problem! Can you imagine how much more powerful this is now when THOUSANDS of members have AUTO-SHARING turned on?

Imagine being able to get REAL social shares and social signals to your YouTube Videos,
niche sites, clients sites, ecommerce sites or ANY URL you'd like.

It’s The Perfect Buddy System!

But It Gets Better…

No Account Creation Needed (optional)

We all know that account creation is a pain in the butt, right? so with the NEW auto-share feature we released above, we already have THOUSANDS of users who have it turned on.

This means that you have TWO options, you can create a new set of accounts to be used with SyndBuddy so you can earn credits, or you can choose to NOT create accounts and just DIRECTLY into submitting campaigns since we have a ton of users ready to share your content IMMEDIATELY!

This make things even EASIER, FASTER and BETTER!

Within minutes you'll be able to start having ANY url start being syndicated ALL over the world by REAL members!

And We Still Have More…

One-Click AI Content Creation

Yup, we’re also going to be including our AI content-engine system into SyndBuddy so that submitting a campaign to be shared by members is even EASIER and WAY Faster!

ZERO content creation needed on your part! With just one click, you'll be able to have our AI engine write ALL the content to go with the URL's our members will be syndicating for you.

And We Still Have More…

DFY Video Embeds

Plan to use Syndbuddy Exclusively to rank your YouTube Videos on Google and YouTube? No problem! Tap into our powerful Video Embedding feature which will allow you to submit ANY YouTube URL you'd like to be embedded into the content when our members are sharing it on their blogs FOR YOU!

This is the BEST kind of syndication that you can get for your videos. It mimicks the process of a video going viral and a TON of blogs are embedding it on their sites!

Talk About Awesome, Right?

Within Minutes Of Getting Access,
Our Army Will Get You:

Real Social Bookmarks

Social Bookmarks is one of the most powerful types of syndication you can employ in your rankings campaigns.

Bookmarking your own site on your own account is already powerful enough. But when you have an ARMY of people bookmarking your URL’s on their accounts as well, that just puts your campaigns on Steroids.

You’ll be getting bookmarks from Authority sites like Diigo, Plurk, KiwiBox, Medium, SkyRock and many many more.

Real Web 2.0 Syndication

If getting ALL of the above mentioned social interaction on your URL’s hasn’t excited you enough, we still have MORE!

You’ll also be able to get an ARMY of people posting your content and linking to your sites from ALL the top Web 2.0 sites like, Tumblr, Blogger, Instapaper, Joomla, AND many, many more.

It’s like having access to a POWERFUL Web 2.0 private blog network!

Real Video Embeds

We all know how powerful syndicating your YouTube videos is, right?

It’s one of the most powerful ways to rank #1. However, when you add video EMBEDDING to the mix, it takes things to a WHOLE other level. And when you add OTHER people embedding YOUR videos on THEIR blogs, that’s when things REALLY take off.

As part of our Web 2.0 syndication, we’ve also added the option for you to include a video for them to EMBED as well!

Real Twitter Tweets

Sharing is key to ranking and organic growth. And we’ve all heard about the POWER of Twitter when it comes to getting social syndication and backlinks.

Now you can get tons of REAL Tweets from an ARMY of people, which will affect your social presence immediately…and I think you guessed it….your rankings increase!

Real Facebook Shares

We all know about Google’s social algorithm, right? They place a lot of weight on social media shares when it comes to rankings.

When YOU get hundreds of these shares quickly, you’ll get hordes of views with more ease than you ever imagined.

Real Video Views

SyndBuddy also comes built-in with some POWERFUL video boosting features.

You’ll be able to get REAL views to your videos from people ALL over the world, logged in to MULTIPLE different accounts, ALL on different IP addresses.

You’ll have an ARMY of people just waiting to watch your videos and give them the boost they need.

Plus, You Also Get:

Step-By-Step Training

Get full training on how to use SyndBuddy’s simple dashboard – even an 8 year old can run it.

Training comes in step-by-step video form. It will literally take you under 60 seconds to create a NEW campaign.

Plus, we will be having MULTIPLE live sessions to provide as much training as possible and answer any and all questions.

World Class Customer Support

We have a support team dedicated to answering your questions and helping you use SyndBuddy to its fullest potential.

Just e-mail at any time and you’ll get a fast, thoughtful response dedicated to you.

Full Reporting of Your Campaigns

Not only will you be able to get a TON of shares, likes, bookmarks and syndication, we've also built-in a VERY powerful reporting system so you'll be able to see EXACTLY the kind of social signals you're getting AND for social shares, you'll be able to see EXACT URL's of where your content is being posted.

Weekly Email Updates Of Your Syndications

We understand that your time is valuable, which is why we made SyndBuddy 2.0 as HANDS-FREE as possible.

And although we have FULL reporting of your campaigns INSIDE SyndBuddy, we wanted to make it even EASIER, so we’ll even EMAIL you a summary EVERY week of ALL the syndication that has happened for your campaigns!

Limited Time: No Monthly Fees

Grab your SyndBuddy license right now – during the grand opening period – and pay NO monthly fees.

Right now, one low investment gets you unrestricted access and you’ll be able to earn an unlimited about of credits.

After the grand opening expires, monthly pricing will come into effect.

This Is Literally The Easiest System For Getting Page 1 Rankings Via The Power Of Social-Syndication Without Having To Do Any Of The Work Yourself!

Plus, For A Very Limited-Time, We’re Going To Be Including Our Agency License With Your Purchase Today!

This means you’ll be able to use SyndBuddy for your CLIENT campaigns as well and keep 100% of the Profit!

You’ll NEVER have to do ANY social syndication YOURSELF - EVER Again!

Leveraging the Power of Our SyndBuddy Army To Do Your Social Syndication For You And For Your Clients Will Never Be The Same After Today!

But Josh, How Much Is SyndBuddy
And How Does It Work?

That’s probably what you’re wondering at this point, right?

Well, in a nut-shell... SyndBuddy works on a credit-based system. That means our members either purchase credits and start adding content RIGHT AWAY..

And we have other members that choose to earn credits by watching, sharing, bookmarking and liking other people’s content.

Your credits are what allow you to get your own views, shares, bookmarks and likes from the fellow members. Which are real people just like you and me that understand the power of “community SEO”

It’s truly built on the BUDDY system. You scratch my back and I scratch yours.

And With Our New Auto-Share Feature, Every Member Is Guaranteed To Get Real Shares From Other Members!

This is – bar none – the best way to drive free, targeted traffic from Google and YouTube.

There are NO shady “backlinking techniques” or any other “blackhat strategies” that either fail miserably or get your video or websites stripped off of YouTube/Google.

This Is A System Based On Real People Syndicating And Socially Interacting With Each Other’s Content, Which Is 100% Natural And The Reason That Google


And because of how powerful and how PROVEN our system is... you’ve probably guessed that SyndBuddy is going to be a VERY hefty fee on a monthly basis - since you literally have to do ZERO work, but submit the keywords and URL you want traffic for..

We’ll easily be charging between $97-$297 PER MONTH depending on the level of package that you need.

However, it is our 2.0 GRAND OPENING, which means you get FIRST DIBS on what will be the MOST POWERFUL and the GO-TO platform for getting high-quality and, REAL social syndication from REAL people all over the world!

And to celebrate, we’re kicking things off with a VERY special, 2024 BLOWOUT sale!

2024 Grand Opening Special

But Not Just That, We’re Also Going To Include These

Limited-Time Launch Bonuses As Well!

Bonus 1

Agency Rights To SyndBuddy

This powerful bonus opens up a WHOLE new world of possibilities and PROFIT for your business. You’ll not only have a powerful system on your side to rank your OWN niche sites and/or videos, you’ll ALSO be able to confidently rank your CLIENT’S websites and videos as well!

Imagine how much MORE confident you can be to COLLECT that monthly, recurring check from your clients when you KNOW you have SyndBuddy in your corner..

Bonus 2

Keyword Bootcamp Training

We all know that proper keyword research is the FOUNDATION of ANY successful search engine campaign. Get your keyword research wrong from the start and your campaign is DOOMED to fail from the very beginning.

There’s NOTHING SyndBuddy can do for you if you get this step wrong. So we decided to include this training so you know EXACTLY how to pick the right keywords to get the BEST Results.

Bonus 3

Live, Client-Attraction Bonus Training

Since you’re getting AGENCY rights, it’s only natural that we put together a powerful training that reveals EXACTLY how to find clients that are ready to pay you, right?

This training will cover ALL of that!

Bonus 4

Perfect Optimization Blueprint

Just like doing the right Keyword research is VITAL to your campaigns, ensuring that your OPTIMIZATION is right is just as important!

So we decided to also put together a training on EXACTLY how to properly optimize your campaigns to ensure you get the BEST results with SyndBuddy.

Bonus 5

Hands-On, Live Training Session For SyndBuddy

Not only are we going to put together a LIVE session showing you how to get clients to profit from with SyndBuddy, we’re also going to put together a second and COMPLETE, hands-on training on EXACTLY how to use SyndBuddy as well.

We already have full tutorial videos in the members area, but we know that our members also like to have that personal attention that you get from a LIVE session.

Talk About Some Awesome Bonuses, Right?

SyndBuddy Is Like Having Your Own Team Of SEO PROs Working For You 24 Hours A Day/7days A Week

So Now, You Just Have To Ask Yourself…

If Your Next Niche Site, Client Site Or Youtube Video Had An Army Of Real People Doing All Your Social Syndication For You Would It Help Your Business?

  • Would you rank faster on page 1 of Google?
  • Would you get more FREE traffic?
  • Would you generate more affiliate commissions?
  • Would you sell more of your own products?
  • Would you grow a larger list?
  • Would you have MORE free time to do more important things than doing YOUR OWN social syndication?
  • Would you have more CONFIDENCE to get MORE clients knowing you have this powerful army in YOUR corner?

The Answer To All Of These
Questions Is: YES

That’s What SyndBuddy Does Best...

It Gets You Free Targeted-Traffic To Any Offer (Or Service) By Letting Our Proven Army Of over 8,200 Members Do All Your Social Syndication For You So You Can Rank On Page 1 In 48 Hours Or Less…

Secure Your Copy Below!

2024 Grand Opening Special

Plus, We Have A 100% Risk-Free Guarantee So You Can Have Full Confidence In Joining SyndBuddy Today

Join Our SyndBuddy Community Now Completely Risk-Free

We want you to take all of those niche sites, client sites and videos you have sitting online somewhere, or hidden in the depths of YouTube, and get them the RANKINGS and TRAFFIC they need to help your business grow.

That’s why we only ask you to let us PROVE everything we say SyndBuddy can do for you.

Join us inside right now and face NO RISK at all.

If you’re not completely thrilled with SyndBuddy – if you only get 5 videos to the top of Google this week, and you wanted to get 6 –

Or if you’re not satisfied for any other reason, you’ll simply send us an email and you’ll receive an immediate, full refund of the investment you’re going to make today.

That Means…

The Only Risk You Face Is
Missing Out On SyndBuddy...

And Kissing All Of The Done-For-You Page 1 Rankings
That Get You More In Traffic, Sales, And New Profit, GoodBye

Click the button below that corresponds to the package you want.

We recommend the ProAgency because it gets you the most credits out of the gate AND you can use it for your client campaigns as well. This could result in page one rankings just MINUTES from now with no work at all on your part for yourself OR your clients. .

Whichever package you want – it’s important to act right now, while monthly fees are waived. Come back to this page after the countdown hits zero, and you’ll have to invest monthly in our SyndBuddy membership.

So it makes the most sense to try it right now, where you can lock in access to SyndBuddy for one small investment.

We can’t wait to see you inside, and we can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams.

Here’s What You Should Do Now:

Click the button below that corresponds to the package you want.

We recommend the ProAgency because it gets you the most credits out of the gate AND you can use it for your client campaigns as well. This could result in page one rankings just MINUTES from now with no work at all on your part for yourself OR your clients. .

Whichever package you want – it’s important to act right now, while monthly fees are waived. Come back to this page after the countdown hits zero, and you’ll have to invest monthly in our SyndBuddy membership.

So it makes the most sense to try it right now, where you can lock in access to SyndBuddy for one small investment.

We can’t wait to see you inside, and we can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams.

2024 Grand Opening Special

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any software to download?

No. This is a web-app which is 100%, done-for-you since our SyndBuddy army does ALL the work for you. All you have to do is submit your URL and keywords.

Do I have to share other members' content?

Turning auto-share on is 100% optional. Obviously the best thing to do is for everyone to have auto-share turned on so that you’re helping other members as well. However, it is optional and we already have A TON of members sharing content every day.

Is this a one-time payment or monthly?

For the packages above, you're paying a one-time fee for the amount of credits of the package you choose. As mentioned above, you also have the ability to turn auto-share on to earn more credits by letting the SyndBuddy system perform the social actions on other members' content through your social profiles. You can also use SyndCreator To create a NEW set of social accounts if you choose to.

Do I have to pay for Proxies or Captchas?

Absolutely NOT! The reason we made this system was so you don’t have to worry about ANYTHING! Just submit your info and the SB army takes it from there.

How Do The Credits Work?

The SyndBuddy credit system is easy and effective:

3 credits = 1 Facebook “Share” from another SyndBuddy member
3 credits = 1 Tweet from another SyndBuddy member
1 credit = 1 Social Bookmark from another SyndBuddy member (we have over 10 bookmarking sites)
1 credit = 1 Web 2.0 Syndication from another SyndBuddy member
1 credit = 1 real view from another SyndBuddy member (you decide how long they must watch)
2 credits = 1 Facebook “Like” from another SyndBuddy member

Do My Credits Expire?

Yes and no. We want a community of active users with people adding content to the network. So if you're adding content, you're safe. If you're not adding content (or have no active content to be shared) and are just hoarding credits, your credits will expire after 45 days.

Are there any Upgrade offers/OTO’s?

Yes, we have 5.

1. Upgrade #1: Lock-in your discounted rate for monthly credits. Here you’ll have the ability to lock-in your discounted rate you just got and ensure you have credits every single month. If you wait till later, credits will be a LOT more expensive. $1 Trial for 30 days then $47/m.

2. Upgrade #2: DFY Indexer Platform
Here you will be able to supercharge your campaigns by unlocking our DFY Indexer system so that your campaigns get put through our Backlinks Indexer account so that your syndication carries a MUCH stronger punch. Every seo marketer knows the power of getting links indexed. The more of your syndication that Google is able to be aware of, the stronger your campaigns will be. $67 one-time payment.

3. Upgrade #3: Special Offer for MyVideoSpy Agency
MyVideoSpy is our powerful platform that allows you to uncover untapped niches, analyze your competitors, accurately gauge how much traffic you can get from your target niches, and much much more!

It’s the PERFECT fit so you can complete the ENTIRE Page-1 traffic circle. $47/qter.

4. Upgrade #4: Is the Bigger brother of SyndBuddy, which is SyndLab. SyndBuddy was built off of the platform that SyndLab was built on. SyndLab allows you to share your content on your OWN networks and SyndBuddy allows you to leverage the exchange to get shares from OTHER people's accounts. It's the BEST Social Syndiation combination. AND they're both already integrated together. It'll be $97 ONE-TIME


Is there a refund policy?

Yes, absolutely. We are extremely confident in what we’ve created. So confident that you’ll be able to use SyndBuddy for a full 30-days and if within those 30 days you feel SyndBuddy is not for you, then just shoot us an email and we’ll give you a full refund.

Does SyndBuddy work for local marketing?

Yes, absolutely. We’ve built SyndBuddy to work for ANYTHING you’re looking to do online. Local, Affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, eCommerce, pretty much anything that you need targeted traffic for.

Can I use SyndBuddy For My Clients Campaigns?

Yes, with our 2k credits plan, you can use it for your clients campaigns as well.

Can I Submit Videos And Websites?

Yes, you can use Syndbuddy to get real social signals to ANY url that you want. Video, website, your clients website, your clients videos, ecommerce store, FB Fan Page URL, anything!

2024 Grand Opening Special