Get Guaranteed Rankings
In 48 Hours Or Less!
Watch This Short Video To Learn How
Start Getting Guaranteed Rankings With Your
X Ranker 360 and DFY Suite Combo Today
Click Here To Lock In Your Discount

73% Discount - Get Guaranteed Rankings - 30 Day Guarantee
Plus, You’re Getting Our
Agency License To X Ranker
As A Bonus, Which Allows You To:
- Perform an UNLIMITED Amount of Keyword Searches ($27/month Value)
- Get An Unlimited Amount Of Keyword Suggestions from the Keyword Engine ($27/month Value)
- Rank An UNLIMITED Amount of Personal Campaigns ($97 Value)
- Rank An UNLIMITED Amount of Client Campaigns ($97 Value)
- Track an UNLIMITED Amount of Campaigns with our Rank Tracker ($97/month Value)
- AND Access The SEAMLESS Integration Between X Ranker and SyndLab for FAST Syndication of your campaigns

Well, They Didn’t – Until Now!
X-Ranker 360 Is The First And Only Video Marketing Web-App That Will Guarantee You’ll Rank On Page 1 Of Google
Before You Ever Have To Do Any ‘Real’ Work

And It Allows You To Do It In
Just 4 Simple Steps!

Let X-Ranker 360 Find You Profitable, High-Converting Keywords In One-Click

X-Ranker 360 has the most powerful keyword suggestion tool of any video ranking tool out there.
All you have to do is input any seed keyword and X-Ranker 360 will serve up hundreds of keywords to you on a silver platter!
We’ve built our keyword engine to provide you with keywords that have been proven to convert visitors into BUYERS!
PLUS as Part of Version 2.0, we've made TWO very powerful additions to our keyword engine:
EXACT-Match Search Data: YUP, you read that right. You can NOW get EXACT match search data on EVERY keyword that X Ranker 360 provides for you.
Even Google itself continues to HIDE this vital information from us. However, we at the X Ranker team have been able to be one of the VERY few apps that provide you with this information.
This is going to allow you to ENSURE that you target keywords that ACTUALLY get search volume!
Plus, You Can Use X Ranker To Rank For Multiple Different Countries!
Not only have be built our keyword tool to provide you with EXACT-match search data, we’ve also extended our reach to cover most of the MAJOR countries out there.
You can now uncover profitable keywords from Google Germany, Google UK, Google Italy, Google Spain, and many many more…
This will allow you to take your business global and generate sales from all over the world!

Quickly And Easily Create A YT Live Stream Event Inside Of X-Ranker 360 In Just A Few Clicks

This Is Where X-Ranker 360 Blows Every Other Video Ranking Tool Out Of The Water.
Not only are we leveraging YouTube’s most powerful ranking platform to date, but we’ve built our proprietary system alongside Live events to guarantee you rank on the first page of Google.
X-Ranker 360 will create your Live streams based on your selected keywords and will immediately start tracking where those live streams rank. The second your live streams crack into page 1 of Google, you’ll be immediately notified
This will ensure that you ONLY work on campaigns that are guaranteed to rank. Everything else, you can ignore and NEVER waste time on keywords that will never rank! . (more on this process explained below)

Load Up Your Video Into Your
Live Stream Event Once You Know For
Certain That Your Keywords Are Rankable

This is the beauty of X-Ranker 360 - Once you’re notified which Live Streams are ranking and which ones are not, you can ONLY focus on the ones that you know for certain are ranking.
Once you know the winners, you’ll be able to easily add any video file from your hard drive to load into your Live Stream.
Isn’t it amazing that X-Ranker 360 will allow you to rank before ever having to do any additional work on your campaigns?

Syndicate Your Videos Directly To DFY Suite For Even More Competitor-Crushing Rankings!

This is where our two platforms really take things to the NEXT level. Our integration with SyndLab and X Ranker automatically syndicates your campaigns DIRECTLY to your account in a matter of MINUTES!
Yup, they’re both seamless integrated via our API system, so you can syndicate your campaigns by clicking ONE-BUTTON!
And the BEST part is, you’ll be able to secure a MASSIVE discount for X Ranker 360 as a new member of DFY Suite!
This is gonna give you THE ULTIMATE edge over your competitors and truly cement your rankings to stick on page 1.
Anyone, Regardless of Experience and Technical Know-How, Will Be Able To Use X-Ranker 360 To Rank on Page 1 of Google, At Will
Allow me to introduce you to

X-Ranker 360 is the ONLY Web App To Truly Guarantee Your Videos Will Rank on Page 1 of Google Without Any Wasted Time or Effort
Armed With X-Ranker 360 You’ll Finally Be Able To Rank Your Videos
And Start Getting Targeted Traffic and Sales From Google!
It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Doing:
- Affiliate marketing
- Local marketing
- List Building
- eCommerce
- CPA Marketing
- Selling your own products
If You’d Like To Get More Targeted, Buyer Traffic,
DFY Suite + X-Ranker 360
Is Your Solution!

Even If You’ve Never Made Money Online,
X-Ranker 360 Will Allow Anyone, Regardless Of Experience To Break Down The Doors To Profitable Niche Marketing
- With no website
- No domain name
- No product
- No lead bribe
- No autoresponder
- No content
- No special skills or knowledge
- No budget
- And NO connections

You’ll literally be able to get access to X-Ranker 360 today and have your first campaign created within 10 minutes! You can be on your way to unlimited page 1 rankings and traffic by lunchtime tomorrow.
There’s no mystery. No hidden secret that we’ve left out. Just the simple and powerful automation system that we’ve built inside of X-Ranker 360 that’s PROVEN to deliver results.
And it’s waiting to go to work for you and starting bringing you the income and traffic you deserve.

So The Only Question Left To Ask Is…
Are You Ready To Combine The Power Of DFY Suite And X Ranker 360?
Of Course You Are!
During Our Grand Opening Discount Special, You’ll Get Access To X-Ranker 360 At A Massive Discount…

This is the FIRST software of it’s kind to hit JVZOO.
There’s other Live stream software on the market, but:
- NONE of them have the keyword engine that we have
- NONE of them are web-based
- NONE of them have the our guaranteed rankings notification system
- NONE of them have our proprietary syndication integration system built in
We Can Confidently Say That We Are The Best YT,
Live Ranking, Web-Based Platform On The Market!
And As A NEW Member of DFY Suite You’ll Be Getting Access At A Massive, Limited-Time Discount
Once You Click The Button Below,
You’ll Be Getting Access To:
X-Ranker 360 Keyword Suggestion Engine

X-Ranker 360’s keyword suggestion engine that delivers you the BEST converting keywords on a silver platter and reveals the exact-match search data so you can target keywords that actually get search volume!

X-Ranker 360 YT Live Integration

X-Ranker 360’s YT Live integration, which allows you to immediately create fully-optimized LIVE streams to get ranked, FAST without you having to do any additional work.
X-Ranker 360 Proprietary Syndication System

X-Ranker 360’s proprietary syndication system which ensures you solidify your rankings by syndicating your videos across all the top Social Sharing and Social bookmarking sites online.

And The Best Part Is, This Offer Is 100% Risk Free To You
You’re covered by our 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not happy with X-Ranker 360, just shoot us an email and we’ll give you a full refund.
Access X-Ranker 360 Now!
Yours Now For Only $997
Choose The Package That’s Right For You Below