WAIT: DO NOT Leave Empty Handed!

Give MTJ A Try For A FULL 7 Days For Just $1

(Trial) MyTrafficJacker Pro

NEW Web-App Lets You Turn A Profit in Under 24 hours By Legally Hijacking FREE-Traffic And Authority From FOUR of the BIGGEST Sites Online!

No Previous Skills Or Experience Required. You can literally be a COMPLETE Newbie and Get RESULTS with just 5 minutes of actual “work” - for ANY niche you can think of..

Members Have Already Found 548,348 Premium Domains!

(auto updates every 10 minutes)

Hit The 2.0 Discount Button Below

Normally $97/month
Get it now for a ONE-TIME PAYMENT

Get Early-Bird Access

Imagine if you can REALLY Hijack Traffic and Authority from

Wikipedia, YouTube, BBC and Quora

I'm talking about getting traffic and collecting BIG Paydays Like THIS:

Ji turned a $9 hijack into a $1,500
payday using the platform you’re about to see..

Chris struck GOLD By Hijacking a Video With Over 600,000 Views

And Just 24 Hours LATER, Chris Did it AGAIN!!

This is ONE of FIVE Local domains that Matt Found in TWO days

Chris got 400 targeted visitors in ONE day with his hijacked traffic!

Carl picked up $4,323 worth or digital equity in just 60 minutes
AND started getting TARGETED leads to his offers with his hijacked traffic!

And this user was able to hijack an entire Youtube channel
with over 2Million Views, 10k subscribers that is STILL getting 500 views EVERY DAY!

It sounds almost UNBELIEVABLE, right?

How in the world could you POSSIBLY hijack traffic and authority from TWO of the BIGGEST sites online?

Well, I'm here to tell you it's 100% possible and we've been able to automate the ENTIRE process into a simple 4-Step Process that ANYONE can follow and get results almost IMMEDIATELY!

In Fact, it works SO well...

Here's some of our own proof of the traffic and sales we've been able to get

With this EXACT strategy..

How about landing a $200,000 Deal?

Like this one campaign that has brought in $422 in commissions

And this one that brought in $143.51 from just 29 targeted visitors

And this commissions payment of $929.82

And this campaign that has produced over $5,000 in commissions and counting

And this one that produced a quick $116 in commissions just DAYS
after deploying this campaign

Recent Earnings:

"To understand the TRUE power of this strategy, let's quickly take you to the BEGINNING!"

Our traffic-Hijacking strategy began back in 2015 when we first discovered that we can legally steal traffic from other people's YouTube Videos.

We all know that an INSANE amount of videos are uploaded to YouTube EVERY SINGLE DAY!

This is NOT a secret.

People will continue to upload videos for YEARS and YEARS and it'll only CONTINUE to RISE!

And the majority of these videos have links in the description area, so the owners can drive traffic to their website, offers, lead-pages etc..

As marketers, it’s what you’re supposed to do to get traffic from YouTube..

However, overtime MANY of these YouTubers FORGET to renew the domain that's posted in their description area!

Yes, you read that right!

We can’t tell you WHY these YouTubers forget to renew their domains, but we can tell you that it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY!

In fact, I can guarantee you that RIGHT NOW….

"There are THOUSAND upon THOUSANDS of ACTIVE videos on YouTube with EXPIRED DOMAINS in their description area READY to be picked up by YOU for as little as $10!"

And once you hijack that domain, you can redirect that traffic

Once we discovered this powerful YouTube HiJacking strategy, we quickly developed our VERY first software to automate the process of finding these 'hijackable' domains called Video Traffic Genie.

Using Our YouTube HiJacking Strategy from VTG ALONE, Our Students have been getting results after results after results since 2015!!

"However, even after ALL the success we and
OUR students have achieved with this powerful Strategy,

We KNEW that we can find NEW and MORE powerful Ways To Hijack even MORE Traffic

So we went back to the drawing board and COMPLETELY revamped our entire platform!

Not only did we convert our entire platform into a web-based application, we discovered that we can hijack traffic and authority from Wikipedia as well!!

Yup, I'm talking about WIKIPEDIA DOT COM...

The #1 MOST authoritative website online that ranks for just about ANY keyword term you search for..

"Can you imagine how POWERFUL it would be...

To get just ONE domain that is STILL actively linked to on a MONSTER site like Wikipedia?"

Not only will that domain continue to benefit from the INSANE ranking authority that comes from having a link FROM Wikipedia, but you'll ALSO benefit from all the click-through traffic that lands on Wikipedia.

And just like YouTube... Wikipedia links out to MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of PRIVATELY OWNED websites for reference so they can solidify the content posted on their site.

However, over time, some of these privately-owned sites let their domains EXPIRE!

But as the saying goes, someone else's trash could be YOUR GAIN!

And we developed our software that FINDS these broken domains FOR YOU and allows you to pick them up for 10 bucks or less and redirect that traffic and authority ANYWHERE you’d like - INSTANTLY!

Here’s where it gets even BETTER!

If you’re on this page right NOW, then you’re here during the release of our BIGGEST UPDATE To date!

Our users have been having SOOO much success finding expired domains with built-in traffic, authority and equity on YouTube and Wikipedia that we KNEW there had to be OTHER sites they can hijack from as well!

So we went on the hunt and struck ABSOLUTE gold on TWO other GIANT, authoritative sites that you’ll be able to hijack traffic from as well!

Yes, you heard that correctly!

If you’re on this page right now, you can now use our platform
to hijack traffic from YouTube, Wikipedia, BBC AND Quora!

Talk about awesome, right?


Let Me Quickly Take You Inside of
MyTrafficJacker So You Can See Just How

MyTrafficJacker is our newly Super-CHARGED, and 100% unique web-app that will allow you to...

Get FREE Targeted-Traffic and Earn Affiliate Commissions in 24 hours or less by Legally Hijacking Traffic And Authority From 4 of the BIGGESEST Sites Online..

How Exactly?

Well, MyTrafficJacker allows users to search by keyword on either Wikipedia, YouTube, BBC or Quora and find LIVE, but EXPIRED links that are STILL posted on these sites that you can pick up for as little as $10 and redirect that traffic and authority ANYWHERE they’d like!

Imagine how powerful it is to be able to pick up an EXPIRED domain that STILL has a LIVE link from Wikipedia..

Or imagine being able to pick up an expired domain that is STILL posted below a YouTube video that is getting hundreds or even THOUSANDS of views PER DAY...

Or picking up a domain that still has a link that’s been shared on a highly ranked Quora post?

Or a domain that has a LIVE link from a page on BBC?

Once you get your hands on our web-app, you'll be able to start legally hijacking domains from all FOUR of these sites and getting traffic and sales in as little as 24 hours...

Having to make or rank any videos

Having to create a website

Having to pay a DIME for traffic

Even a needing hosting account!

And We Simplified it Into 4 Simple Steps

Input Your Target Keyword

Our powerful built-in keyword engine, will allow you to turn ONE keyword into DOZENS of keywords that you may not have thought of, so you can NEVER run out of niches and keywords to hijack for.

Select Whether You Want To HiJack From YouTube, Wikipedia, BBC or Quora

This might be a tough choice since they're ALL VERY powerful and highly-authoritative sites, but it's as simple as making your choice 🙂

Hit "Start" And Let MyTrafficJacker Get To Work For You

In this step MyTrafficJacker will start scouring either YouTube or Wikipedia to find available domains that you can immediately register for as little as $10.

Register the Domains And Redirect

Once you pick up the domains that MyTrafficJacker Finds you’ll be able to IMMEDIATELY redirect that traffic and authority to ANYWHERE you want!

Getting near-INSTANT traffic and earning passive commissions from OTHER people's efforts

You don’t need to create videos

You don’t need to rank videos

You don’t need to pay for any ads

You don't have to create websites if you don't want to

You don't have to do any SEO if you don't want

Heck, you don’t even need your own YouTube Channel OR a hosting account!

Just follow the 4-steps above and you’ll be able to start getting targeted traffic at ANY time in ANY niche you’d like.

Just find the available expired domains, buy them, and redirect the traffic IMMEDIATELY! Talk About Awesome, Right? Yea we think so too...

Let's now take a closer look
at ALL the features packed into

Unlimited Keyword and Niche Research

Here you’ll be able to search and find an unlimited amount of keywords and niches that you can hijack in. You can input just ONE MAIN keyword, and MyTrafficJacker will INSTANTLY display OTHER related keywords you may not have thought of.

Easily Hijack Traffic And Authority From Wikipedia

Once you know what niche or keyword you want to search for, you'll be able to instantly set MyTrafficJacker to start looking for available domains for you based on your keyword. Imagine how powerful it's going to be to pick up domains that still have LIVE links from Wikipedia!

Easily Hijack Traffic And Authority From YouTube

Not only are we integrated with Wikipedia, but we're also integrated with the 2nd BIGGEST search engine on the internet. With MyTrafficJacker, you'll be able to INSTANTLY start hijacking other people's video traffic and redirecting that traffic ANYWHERE you'd like!

Easily Hijack Traffic And Authority From BBC

Yup, with our 2.0 release, we wanted to go BIG or GO HOME! And we've delivered BIG! You can NOW hijack expired domains that are STILL posted on BBC! Yes, that is short for British Broadcasting Corporation: One of the BIGGEST News sites on the internet today covering stories from ALL over the world in ALL types of niches! This is the kind of site people FIGHT to get published on, however; armed with MTJ, you can be on there within MINUTES!

Easily Hijack Traffic And Authority From Quora

I'm sure you've landed on Quora a few times in your lifetime, right? Yes, of course. It's only one of the BIGGEST QnA sites on the internet. It's a simple site: Users have a question, they post it on quora, the community of experts (as well as other users) can reply to that question to the BEST of their abilities - PLUS they can include LINKS in their responses. And THAT'S where MTJ comes in. A TON of these replies have domains that have expired and are READY to be snatched up by you for $10 or less. AND Quora ranks VERY high for a TON of keywords, so you'll be able to benefit from ALL of that!

Hands-Free Domain Checker

We didn’t want you to have to leave our app for anything, so we built an automatic domain checker right into our hijacking algorithm. With the push of just ONE button, you’ll instantly see what videos or pages have broken links AND know if a domain is available to hijack or not.

Unlimited One-Click Domain Purchasing

Again, this comes down to being as efficient as possible. We integrated with the API's of BOTH Godaddy and Namecheap so that with just ONE-CLICK available domains get added DIRECTLY to your cart with the push of just ONE-BUTTON! This will ensure you NEVER miss out on an available domain!

Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You

When using our YouTube hijacker, you’ll be able to search for videos based on when they were uploaded. Most people purchase domains for only a year, so just imagine how many more videos you can find when you go deeper into older videos!

Search By Relevance or by Views

This will let you get even more targeted on the videos you want MyTrafficJacker to deliver to you. You’ll be able to control whether you want videos based on relevance of your keyword or based on number of views.

Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results

The last thing you want is to have MyTrafficJacker display domains that you’ve already hijacked or domains that are not yet available. Here you’ll be able to add or remove domains from the search results to ensure you’re ALWAYS getting unique domains you can hijack.

Ability to Export data in CSV Files

We understand that we will have some power users who prefer to sort through their pot of gold locally. This feature is for you. Here you’ll be able to download any and all results to your local computer and sort through all the data quickly and easily.

And much much more!
We have a ton of other amazing features, plus A LOT more to come!

Here Are Some Software Screenshots:

"Josh this sounds GREAT, BUUUTT,
how can I make Money With MyTrafficJacker and The Domains I'll be buying?"

The amazing thing about this software is that there are literally TONS of ways that you can profit with it

Direct-Link Affiliate Marketing

This is probably the most obvious and MANY of our users FAVORITE monetization strategy. It's the easiest AND fastest to deploy. ALL you have to do is simply let MyTrafficJacker find these gold-mine domains for you, you pick them up, and start REDIRECTING the traffic to ANY affiliate offer you'd like. Heck, you can even redirect the traffic to a ROTATING link so that you send traffic to MULTIPLE different offers and find the one that converts the best.

Direct-link Product Marketing

If you have your OWN products, this can be VERY powerful (but also VERY sneaky) to generate sales for your OWN products. You can use MyTrafficJacker to find domains that are in the SAME NICHE as you are and start redirecting ALL that traffic to YOUR website instead. Yup, imagine being able to find one of your COMPETITORS domains that they forgot to renew and you can pick it up for just $10 and set up a simple redirect to YOUR site!

MASSIVE List Building Profits

Remember, many of these domains you'll be finding are STILL getting hundreds (an sometimes even THOUSANDS) of visitors every single WEEK!!! Instead of sending them direct to an affiliate link or a sales page, send them to a squeeze page FIRST, and reap the amazing rewards of building an email list.

Passive Adsense Profits

This is another user-favorite since it’s a “set-and-forget” method to profit with the domains you’ll be finding. One of the quickest things you can do is turn these domains into simple adsense revenue sites. Since they’ll be coming with traffic and authority built-in, this is a VERY powerful and SIMPLE strategy to deploy.

Simple Domain Flipping

Many, Many, MANY of the domains you'll be hijacking are going to contain EXTREME levels of domain authority. Not only are they AGED domains that most likely had some great content on them, imagine how much VALUE they'll have from STILL having a LIVE link on Wikipedia.com. Or how much VALUE they'll have from STILL getting click-through traffic from YouTube! SEO Marketing and Agencies alike, would pay BIG money for domains that have ACTIVE links on Wikipedia. Just simply purchase these domains, and IMMEDIATELY list them on Flippa or any other domain flipping website and cash in BIG!

Build a POWERHOUSE Private Blog Network

Can you imagine how much RANKING POWER you can generate by having just a HANDFUL of domains that STILL have live links from Wikipedia? It is the SEO marketers DREAM to get domains with THAT kind of authority. With MyTrafficJacker, you'll INSTANTLY be able to build the MOST powerful Private Blog Network known to ANY SEO marketer and rank for just about ANY niche you'd like. Just having 1 or 2 backlinks from a domain that has a LIVE link from Wikipedia is sure to send ANY website of Video STRAIGHT to the first page of Google!

Buy-and-RENT your Private Blog Network

Just like above, if you rather NOT use your private blog network to rank YOUR own content, you can simply RENT IT OUT to other SEO marketers and collect a VERY hefty MONTHLY fee for getting backlinks from your Private Blog Network.

Resell The Domain BACK to the original owner

Yup, this one can easily tread on many people's moral compass, but can STILL be extremely profitable. Sometimes life gets in the way and the original owners just simply FORGOT to renew the domain before the grace period was up. You can offer to sell it back to them for a quick $250-$500 (or MORE). Not bad of an ROI on your $10 investment, right?

Authority Redirect Rankings

This is another quick and simple strategy. With this strategy you simply pick up the domain and immediately redirect it directly to any YouTube video or niche site to give it a MASSIVE boost in rankings! Heck, just ONE redirected link to ANY niche site or YouTube video from a domain that has a LIVE link from Wikipedia is PRICELESS and will yield MASSIVE results!

Rank your eCom site or Amazon Store Listing

Just like redirecting these domains to your niche site or YouTube Video, you can also leverage these domains to rank your eCom site and/or Amazon store listing. Can you imagine the POWER of combining a domain with a LIVE wikipedia link and the MASSIVE authority of Amazon? You'd dominate your ENTIRE niche!

We can keep going on an ON!! There are SOOO many different ways you can use the traffic and authority of these domains to earn a MASSIVE profit online.

"Ok, Now that I Know What MTJ Is, How it works, and how to make money with it, Tell me how much it's gonna cost me and how does the credits-system work?"

That’s probably what you’re wondering at this point, right?

Well, as you’ve probably guessed, MyTrafficJacker is going to be a VERY hefty fee on a monthly basis - since finding just ONE domain that you can sell for $1,500 like Ji did, or turning into passive, monthly commissions is TRULY priceless!

We’ll easily be charging between $97-$297 PER MONTH depending on the level of package that you need.

However, it is our 2.0 GRAND OPENING, which means you get FIRST DIBS on what is the MOST powerful and MOST unique strategy for you to generate some quick CASH right away AND for the long-term!

And to celebrate our 2.0 special, we’re kicking things off with a VERY special, limited-time BLOWOUT sale!

And As far as the credit-system, it's actually quite simple.

1 credit = 1 Search.

Yup, it's that easy. And since you'll be getting 1,000 credits with our Pro package, you can EASILY find HUNDREDS of expired domains you can hijack. And even with our Lite package at 250 credits, you'll be able to find DOZENS of domains.

AND 1 search can many times lead to you finding MULTIPLE EXPIRED domains, which REALLY takes things to the next level!

So make sure you take advantage of this offer today.

Check out our 2.0 Grand-Opening special below!

A step-by-step Profitable Case-Study That only took 10 Minutes to SET UP! ($97 Value)

Yup, we like to put our money where our mouth is and show you that we TRULY use MyTrafficJacker to make money every single DAY! In fact, we've built a FULL-TIME income from MTJ ALONE! But instead of just TELLING you, we want to SHOW YOU! So we put together an EXCLUSIVE case study where you'll see us go from ZERO, to finding a domain, hijacking that domain and MONETIZING that domain. We leave NO STONE unturned and cover EVERY aspect so you see EXACTLY how we run our campaigns. There's nothing quite like a GREAT, over-the-shoulder case study, right? And the BEST part, it only took 10 minutes to set up this ENTIRE campaign!

Daily Views Video Tracker ($197 Value)

How would you like to know EXACTLY how many views a certain video is getting on a DAILY basis? This is VITAL especially when hijacking a video that may be a couple years old with hundreds of thousands of views. YouTube does NOT make seeing daily stats easy anymore, so we decided to build our own views tracker into MTJ so you can know EXACTLY how much traffic you’ll be getting from the videos you’ll be hijacking! This bonus will be completed within 30-45 days of launch. (Receiving this as a FREE bonus expires on the 20th at midnight)

LIVE 90-Minute Training Session ($497 value)

On top of an ALREADY amazing software tool, we’ll be going the EXTRA mile here and putting together a LIVE, 90-minute training session where we’ll be showing you EXACTLY how to hit the ground running with MyTrafficJacker.

Unlock a PRIVATE 20% Discount To Be Used For our Upgrade #2 Package

Lastly, you’ll be securing a private discount code that will give you a 20% discount for our Upgrade #2. This upgrade is called our MyTrafficJacker Academy. Inside of MTJ Academy we’ll be giving you MULTIPLE different case studies on how we’ve been able to successfully find AND profit from the domains we’ve found using MyTrafficJacker. This gives you the PERFECT boost to hit the ground running with MyTrafficJacker. Your 20% discount will be automatically applied upon checkout of that upgrade 🙂

And you can get access to EVERYTHING we just mentioned above at the CRAZY, discounted, ONE-TIME price you see below (yup, ZERO monthly fees)

But Before We Get To That,
Let's Quickly Recap What You're Getting

  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia, YouTube, BBC And Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Perform Up To 25 keyword searches EVERY single day and STACK UP Your Domain Collection
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data in CSV and Text Files to sort through your pot of gold locally

PLUS These Amazing Bonuses:

  • Bonus #1: Profitable, Step-By-Step Case Study ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-Minute Training Session ($497 value)
  • Bonus #4: Unlock a PRIVATE 20% Discount Code To Be Used For Our Upgrade #2

MyTrafficJacker Lite

  • 250 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $87.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Lite

MyTrafficJacker Pro

  • 1,000 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $97.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Pro

And Of Course, We Also Have A 30-DAY, DOUBLE-YOUR-MONEY Back GUARANTEE!

Yup, we're so confident in how powerful and how much value MyTrafficJacker can provide to your business that we're willing to put our money where our mouth is. That's why we're doing a DOUBLE your money back guarantee.

Just show us that you put MyTrafficJacker into action in your business and if it didn't make you a positive ROI on your investment TODAY, we will - WITHOUT HESITATION - Give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK!

At This Point There's Not Much Else To Say

You either want to easily hijack traffic and authority from Wikipedia, Youtube, BBC and Quora or YOU DON'T.

You either want to easily buy these extremely valuable domains for just $10 or YOU DON'T!

You either want to be able to generate affiliate commissions in 24 hours or LESS, or YOU DON'T!

You either want to easily flip these domains for HUNDREDS of dollars EACH, or YOU DON'T!

You either want to leverage the MASSSIVE authority of these domains to rank #1 in Google at WILL, or YOU DON'T!

You either want to pick up MyTrafficJacker at the BEST price and value that you will EVER see it at, or YOU DON'T!

However if you DO want to pick up the FIRST and ONLY web-app that allows you to...

Legally Hijack Traffic And Authority From Wikipedia, YouTube, BBC and Quora To Earn Affiliate Commissions In 24 Hours Or Less...

I highly recommend picking up your copy NOW. Hit the discount button below.

MyTrafficJacker Lite

  • 250 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $87.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Lite

MyTrafficJacker Pro

  • 1,000 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $97.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Pro

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a monthly Fee?

Not right now. During our charter-members sale, we're waiving our monthly fee.

How Does The Credit-System work? 

It's simple. 1 Search equals to 1 Credit. So with 1,000 credits you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains! And with 250, you can hijack DOZENS! 1 search can sometimes return MULTIPLE expired domains that you can hijack 🙂

Does this require proxies or captchas?

Absolutely NOT. The only thing required on your part is to set up a YouTube API, which we show you EXACTLY how to do - AND it's 100% free to set up and use.

Is there anything to install?

Absolutely NOT. MyTrafficJacker is 100% web-based. All you need is a web-browser and an internet connection and you're good to go.

Do you provide training on how to use the platform?

Yes. We have COMPLETE, step-by-step tutorial videos showing you every step of the process.

When will the bonus features be ready?

Our daily views tracker is already up and running and waiting for you 🙂

What are you Upgrades?

Upgrade #1 is MyTrafficJacker Pro+.

Here you'll be able to lock in your discounted rate on credits for only $1. This will then automatically renew every 30 days, so you can always have credits to be able to hijack domains with. You'll also get two VERY powerful, extra bonuses, which includes unlocking ALL the new sites that we add in the future. We're constantly looking for NEW sites that we can hijack on and we'll be adding them as we go. I'm talking about sites like Forbes.com, Reddit, Medium, etc.. And lastly, you'll be getting BONUS credits every single month just for taking action on this offer.

Upgrade #2 is our MyTrafficJacker Academy

Here you'll be getting MULTIPLE over-the-shoulder case studies of us using MTJ to find, purchase AND monetize campaigns using the domains we find on Wikipedia and YouTube. We’ll even be showing them MULTIPLE ways to profit quickly with MTJ. This will be a one-time payment of just $47. This takes the case study you get as a bonus on this page to a WHOLE other level!

Upgrade #3 is MyTrafficJacker Trifecta

Here you'll be able to unlock THREE additional and powerful features to make MTJ even BETTER for you. You're going to be able to unlock our Auto-Search feature, our Affiliate-Spy feature AND our SubJackers Feature so you can SKYROCKET the profit that you put in your pocket while leveraging automation to free up your time!

Upgrade #4 is our SyndLab + SyndBuddy combo pack

Here you'll be getting a VERY special offer to our SyndLab + SyndBuddy syndication platforms which allows you to quickly “boost” up your newly acquired domains with powerful social syndication and social sharing. We've NEVER offered a combo deal for BOTH SL and SB like the one you'll see on this page. This will be at $37/m or $97 one-time

Upgrade #5 is our MyTrafficJacker Elite

With this package, you'll be unlocking the FULL power inside of MTJ. You'll be unlocking our Ocean Search feature which will allow you to take ONE domain and with ONE-CLICK be able to find EVERY SINGLE video that has that domain posted on it. So hijacking ONE video can turn into dozens or even HUNDREDS of videos (literally, we see MASSIVE hijacks like this ALL the time).

You'll also be unlocking our Domain Reminder feature which will identify domains that are “DEAD” but have NOT YET expired, but as soon as they DO expire, you'll be notified and be the FIRST in line to pick them up. This will be for $47 per quarter or $37 per month.

Plus, you’ll also unlock our Save Results feature which allows you to save all your best results and allows you to create groups in any niche and build an army of targeted traffic streams

And that's it! no other upsell after that and of course, they're ALL optional!

MyTrafficJacker Lite

  • 250 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $87.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Lite

MyTrafficJacker Pro

  • 1,000 Credits (1 search is 1 credit - so you can potentially hijack HUNDREDS of domains)
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Wikipedia
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from YouTube
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from BBC
  • Full Access To Legally Hijack domains and authority from Quora
  • Full Access To Our Keyword Suggestion Engine so you NEVER run out of ideas to hijack in
  • Unlimited One-click domain purchasing to IMMEDIATELY pick up available domains
  • Fully Control The Age of the Videos You Want Delivered To You For BEST Results
  • The Ability to sort By Relevance or by Views to find even MORE available domains
  • Add Or Remove Domains To Skip From The Results for MAXIMUM efficiency
  • Ability to Export data to sort through your pot of gold locally
  • Bonus #1: Step-By-Step Case Study of A Profitable Campaign ($97 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Our Daily Video Views Tracker ($197 Value)
  • Bonus #3: LIVE 90-minute Strategy Session ($297 Value)
  • Bonus #4: Exclusive 20% Discount Code For Upgrade #2 ($27 value)

Monthly Fee: $97.00

Monthly Fee Waived – Limited!

MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Pro