This One Extra Feature Skyrockets Your Rankings And Authority Without Any Extra ‘Work’ On Your Part
Watch this Short Video To Learn How TO Activate This Secret Weapon
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Hey guys, Joshua Zamora here again
And in this video I wanted to share with you one of our secret weapons for putting our rankings on steroids with Tube Charge.
And once you have this secret weapon in your arsenal, you’ll be able to get MORE page 1 rankings even FASTER and leave your competitors guessing as to how you’re dominating so much.
It’s A Simple Technique That Doesn’t Require Any Extra Work On Your Part, But Will Produce Dramatic Results For Your Rankings And Profits!
And the BEST part is, we’ve got this secret weapon built right into TubeChage, which makes it nearly impossible not to rank on page 1 of Google.
This secret weapon is our
Automatic SILO’er Builder

Building organized Video SILO’s is one of those underground strategies that not many people talk about unless you’ve done A LOT of video marketing and tested A LOT of strategies like we have!
And just like Google LOVES it when you build an organized SILO structure on your website, they also LOVE it when you do the SAME with your videos.
Remember, Google and YouTube want to display the BEST and MOST relevant content to it’s users.
That’s how they stay being the #1 and #2 search engines in ALL the internet.
So Instead Of Trying To “Trick” Google And Youtube Into Ranking Our Videos, We Just Give Them Exactly What They Want
We create great content, create organized and relevant playlists for our videos AND we make sure we properly SILO our campaigns as well so that Google and YouTube know EXACTLY what all of our content is about.
When you start working WITH Google and YouTube instead of AGAINST them, you start ranking A LOT faster, build A LOT more authority - without having to do much extra work.
So What We Did Was Build A Simple, Yet Powerful,
Automatic SILO Builder Into Our Playlist Creation Feature.
Yup, you already have access to our automatic Playlist creator, and on this page, you can unlock our SILO SUPERCHARGER and use this powerful combo to Skyrocket Your Authority and Rankings!
And To Make It Even Better, All You Have To Do To Deploy This Extra Power To Your Campaigns Is Tick One Box!
Yup, once you pick up this special offer, you’ll unlock an additional option on our automatic Playlist Creation settings which will allow you to “deploy our Playlist SILO’er” to any and ALL of your campaigns.
From there, not only will Tube Charge automatically create playlists for all your videos, it’ll also ensure that it SILO’s all your videos with that Playlist as well!

With This Feature:
- You BOOST Your Channels Authority
- You BOOST Your Videos Authority
- You Skyrocket Your Rankings
- And You Get Google and YouTube DROOLING over your Campaigns WITHOUT EVER having to do ANY extra work besides ticking that ONE Box!
Talk about simple, right?
Once You Activate Our Silo’er Feature, Our System Will Automatically Create An Organized And Fully Optimized SILO Structure For Your Playlists And Videos 100% Hands Free To You!
Now we can easily offer this additional feature for no less than $297 or MORE!
Heck, can you imagine how long it’ll take to MANUALLY create an ORGANIZED and PROVEN SILO structure for your videos - especially when you’ll be working with DOZENS upon dozens of videos per campaign with Tube Charge..
But of course, we’re here to offer you an AMAZING, one-time payment special as a new customer of Tube Charge.
For the next few days, you’ll be able to secure UNLIMITED usage of our Automatic Video SILO Feature for ALL your campaigns, with NO monthly fees EVER, for the low, one-time, discounted investment you see below.

Plus, You’re Covered By Our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, So You’ve Got Nothing To Lose
Try it out for a full 30 days, and if you’re not 100% satisfied, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked!