Are you tired of the OLD, SLOW Way of Marketing With Video?
NEW Web-App Delivers FREE, Targeted BUYER-Traffic
in 48 hours or Less By AUTOMATICALLY Ranking DOZENS
of Videos on Page 1 of Google And YouTube, SIMULTANEOUSLY!
Yup, We're Talking About Page 1 VIDEO RANKINGS In BULK With No Previous Skills Or Experience Required. And Our Step-By-Step, Fill-In-The-Blank, Software Automates 95% of the ENTIRE Process For YOU!
WAIT: DO NOT Leave Empty Handed!
FREE Case Study: How I Got #1 Rankings In 48 Hours And Made $302.30..
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Watch The Video Below To Learn How
- Rank DOZENS of Videos SIMULTANEOUSLY in 48 hours or less instead of doing it ONE-By-ONE!
- Automatically turn one video into DOZENS with a couple of mouse clicks using our video SPINNER
- Automatically Optimize ALL those videos in a matter of minutes
- Automatically Upload ALL those videos on a DAILY basis - 100% hands-free!
- Automatically Create Playlists for ALL those Videos For even MORE Authority Rankings!
- Limited-Time Bonus: Agency Rights For getting BULK video rankings for your clients as well!
Attention: The Traditional Way
of Doing Video Marketing Is Dead!
Yes, you read that correctly… If you’re looking for a better, faster and MORE profitable way of leveraging the power of video to get as much targeted traffic and sales as you’d like, you’re on the right page!
Because I can tell you right now, the OLD way is dead!
The video marketing and video ranking process has been following the SAME, BORING process for WAY too long, right?
And You Know What I Mean:

You find a keyword

You create a video for that keyword

You optimize and upload that video

You wait and see if it’s going to rank on page 1 of Google and YouTube

You start ALL over at #1 for every keyword you want traffic for
Not Only Is That Process Old And Boring,
It’s Extremely Inefficient!
That’s why we decided to change the video marketing and video ranking process FOREVER!
We decided to create a NEW WAY to get MORE videos ranked, to get MORE traffic, to get MORE sales, and to have it be A LOT MORE automated!
And my promise to you on THIS page is to show you EXACTLY how we’ve changed the way you do video marketing from this day forward!
What you’re going to see on this page, is unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before!
NO ONE is doing Video Marketing Like We Are!

We developed our own, new and unique way of dominating with video that’s better, faster, more automated and produces more results than any other strategy we’ve ever deployed.
Imagine if instead of trying to rank videos one-by-one, that you were able to rank dozens upon dozens of videos at a time?
Yup, I’m Talking About
Claiming Page 1 Video Rankings In Bulk!
Yea I know it sounds a bit crazy, BUT, that’s EXACTLY what we’ve done! We are DONE with creating campaigns one at a time - And You Should be TOO!

Getting Page 1 Rankings In Bulk Is The New Way Of Dominating The First Page of Google and Youtube!
We now create dozens (and sometimes even HUNDREDS) of campaigns at once and absolutely DOMINATE the first page of Google and YouTube in MASSIVE quantities!
We've Been Doing Video Marketing For YEARS NOW and Can Consistently Get Page 1 Rankings Like This:

And, More Importantly, Turn It Into Traffic And Profit Like This:

If you want to start getting traffic, sales and rankings like THAT, then you’re on the right page, because like I said, we’re going to show you EXACTLY how you can do the same in your business...
And The Best Part Is, We’ve Been Able To Automate The Entire Thing!

Tube Charge is our new web-app that AUTOMATICALLY Claim DOZENS of Page 1 Rankings Simultaneously With MASS Video Creation, MASS Video Uploading AND Automatic Video Optimization!
Let’s jump into a Quick Demo Video So I can Show You Just How Powerful This App Is:
See our Student Results Below:
We’ve created the FIRST and ONLY Web-App that Does it ALL For You!
Tube Charge Automatically Creates Videos In Bulk, Automatically Optimizes Videos In Bulk And Automatically Uploads Videos In Bulk And Much Much More!!
Plus We’ve Simplified It Into A Simple, 3-Step Process:
Step 1
Login To Our Web-app and Turn ONE video into DOZENS of Variations At the Click of a couple buttons with our powerful Video Spinner

Step 2
Fill out our simple video optimization template and connect it to the videos you just created so our app automatically optimizes ALL your Videos For YOU
Step 3
Configure Your Upload Settings So You Have Fully-Optimized Videos Automatically Uploaded To Your YouTube Channel EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Talk About awesome, right? Yea we think so too!
Why Would You Ever Do Video Marketing The “Old, Slow Way” And Continue Doing It One-By-One?
We’re in 2019 where technology allows us to DO MORE without us having to do the work ourselves.
Sooo… Why not instead use our platform and claim DOZENS of page 1 rankings at a time?
Tube Charge Allows You To Dominate Page 1 The NEW Way By :

Automatically creating DOZENS (or even HUNDREDS) of videos for you at a time

Automatically optimizing DOZENS (or even HUNDREDS) of videos for you at a time

Automatically uploading ALL those videos for you on a DAILY basis, so it ALL looks 100% natural and human-like, which boosts your channels authority!

And even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free”
This Is The Ultimate Platform For
Mass Video Rankings In 48 Hours Or Less!
You will NEVER go back to creating ONE campaign at a time.

But Isn’t Youtube Cracking Down On This?

I’m sure some of you might be thinking this. You’ve heard the rumors, you’ve heard people confirming it. Heck, it’s probably happened to you.
YouTube is SHUTTING DOWN accounts for abusing their platform and uploading MASSIVE amounts of videos in a short period of time!
And we’re here to tell you that, YES, this has happened to us too!
We’ve Had Accounts Shut Down!
We’ve been doing video marketing for YEARS! We do A LOT of testing. We try A LOT of methods and we’re NOT afraid to push the limits!
And because we do a lot of testing, we know A LOT about what YouTube likes and what they don’t like.
That’s why we developed our own unique system for SAFELY uploading and ranking videos in BULK into your account.
With Our Platform You Fly Under The Radar With Our Human-Like, Drip-Feed Feature, So You Have New Videos Being Uploaded To Your Account Every Day, Completely Hands-Free
Our drip-feeding upload feature serves TWO major purposes:
You fly under the radar since Tube Charge will slowly upload 5 videos a day for you. With all of our testing, we have found that this is the MAGIC number. It also uploads them 60 minutes apart so it looks even MORE natural.
The way we’ve set up our system, it’s almost like having your own personal VA uploading videos for you on a DAILY basis.

You’re Channels Authority starts to SKYROCKET because you’re having FRESH content hitting your account EVERY DAY.
It’s no secret, Google and YouTube LOVE fresh, NEW content! The more content you have on your YouTube channel, the BETTER, PERIOD!
It’s simple math. Which Channel do you think YouTube would trust more - a channel that BARELY gets videos added, OR a channel that has videos being added to it EVERY SINGLE DAY? Yea, it’s a no-brainer.
We Built Our System To Give Youtube And Google Exactly What They Want And We Fly Under The Radar At The Same Time!
We give them fresh, fully-optimized content on a DAILY basis, and they reward us with TONS of page 1 rankings! And TODAY, you too, can start using our strategy and software system to claim DOZENS of page 1 rankings at a time!
This Is The First, The Only And The Easiest System For Getting Page 1 Rankings In Bulk Without Having To Do Any Of The Work Yourself!
PLUS, for A VERY limited-time, we’re going to be including our AGENCY license with your purchase TODAY!
This means you’ll be able to use Tube Charge for your CLIENT campaigns as well and keep 100% of the Profit!
Since Tube Charge pretty much does ALL the work for you after you set up your campaigns, you’ll NEVER have to create, optimize or upload a video MANUALLY ever AGAIN!
You’re now equipped with the BEST software on the planet for claiming page 1 rankings in BULK and having all the work done for you!

Getting Dozens Of Page 1 Rankings Simultaneously For Yourself And For Your Clients Will Never Be The Same After You Get Your Hands On Tube Charge!
“But Josh, How Much is Tube Charge?”

That’s probably what you’re wondering at this point, right?
Well, as you’ve probably guessed, Tube Charge is going to be a VERY hefty fee on a monthly basis - since there’s NO other app on the market that does what it does. It automates 95% of the ENTIRE video ranking process by doing MOST of the work for you!
We’ll easily be charging between $97-$297 PER MONTH depending on the level of package that you need.
However, it is our GRAND OPENING, which means you get FIRST DIBS on what will be the MOST POWERFUL and the GO-TO platform for getting page 1 rankings in BULK on the marketplace.
And to celebrate, we’re kicking things off with a VERY special, charter-members BLOWOUT sale!
But Before We Get Into That,
Let’s Quickly Recap Everything You’re Getting
Access To Our Video Spinner to Quickly Turn 1 Video Into Dozens or even hundreds! I can almost guarantee you haven’t seen anything like this before. Within just a few clicks of your mouse, our software will automatically create DOZENS of different variations of your videos.
This allows you to bypass the duplicate content filter on YouTube AND it’ll allow you to get A LOT more rankings with the “same” video by targeting DOZENS or even HUNDREDS of keywords at the same time.

Access to Our Video Optimizer for automatic optimization of ALL your videos. Now that Tube Charge has created ALL those videos for you, it’s time to ensure they’re properly optimized, right?
Well, in a matter of MINUTES Tube Charge will automatically optimize your videos for your target keywords. All you have to do is just fill out our pre-made optimization template, upload it to the campaign you’re working on, and THAT’S IT! Tube Charge will ensure that every video that gets uploaded is perfectly optimized.
Access to our Mass Video Uploader Feature. YouTube is cracking down on mass video uploading, there’s no reason to deny that. However, the way that we’ve set up our system, it allows you to fly under the radar.
Our video uploader has a powerful, human-like, simulation system built-in that makes it look as NATURAL as possible by uploading 5 videos every day for you at 60 minutes apart. This not only builds up your channels authority, but it ensures that Tube Charge is ranking videos for you EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Access To Our Campaign Scheduler. Want to start your campaigns right away or schedule them for the future? No problem. Our campaigns scheduler allows you to be in FULL control of when your campaigns start.

Plus, We Have Some Amazing Bonuses That You Can Learn About Below!
Grand Opening Special
But Not Just That, We’re Also Going To Include These Limited-Time, Launch Bonuses As Well!
Bonus 1
Agency Rights To Tube Charge

This powerful bonus opens up a WHOLE new world of possibilities and PROFIT for your business. You’ll not only have a powerful system on your side to rank your OWN videos in MASS quantities, you’ll ALSO be able to confidently rank your CLIENT’S videos as well!
Imagine how much MORE confident you can be to COLLECT that monthly, recurring check from your clients when you KNOW you have Tube Charge in your corner..
Imagine being able to step into ANY local market and absolutely DOMINATE the first page of Google with videos by being able to target an ENTIRE city at once..

Bonus 2
Automatic Playlist Creation Feature

Creating Playlists for your videos allows you to leverage YouTube’s own authority in your favor. When you create a playlist, you’re essentially creating a mini internal link network among your videos. Not just that, but Playlists are also able to optimized and they’re able to be RANKED as well!
Yup, playlists have their own UNIQUE url that you can rank since it’s open to the public. This gives you an additional way to passive MASSIVE authority through ALL of your videos. Tube Charge automates this ENTIRE process. It’ll automatically create playlists for ALL your videos - 100% hands free! You get ALL the benefits of leveraging Playlists WITHOUT having to do ANY of the work yourself.
We could’ve EASILY charged a separate fee for this bonus alone.
Bonus 3
LIVE, Client-Attraction Bonus Training

Since you’re getting AGENCY rights, it’s only natural that we put together a powerful training that reveals EXACTLY how to find clients that are ready to pay you, right? This training will cover ALL of that!

Bonus 4
Pre-Made Niche Video Pack

We wanted to ensure that you can hit the ground running as quickly as possible with Tube Charge. So we decided to include a MASSIVE bundle of pre-made videos that you can IMMEDIATELY use with Tube Charge to start creating campaigns.
And because we have our powerful video spinner, you’ll be able to turn just ONE of these videos into DOZENS of variations in a matter of minutes. Imagine doing that to ALL the videos in this video pack!
Bonus 5
Hands-On, LIVE Training Session For Tube Charge

Not only are we going to put together a LIVE session showing you how to get clients to profit from with Tube Charge, we’re also going to put together a second and COMPLETE, hands-on training on EXACTLY how to use Tube Charge as well.
We already have full tutorial videos in the members area, but we know that our members also like to have that personal attention that you get from a LIVE session.

Talk about some awesome bonuses, right? Yea we think so too!
Plus, We Have A 100% Risk-Free Guarantee So You Can Have Full Confidence In Joining Tube Charge Today
Join Our Tube Charge Community Now Completely Risk-Free

We want you to take all of those videos you have sitting online somewhere, or hidden in the depths of YouTube, and get them the TRAFFIC they need to help your business grow.
That’s why we only ask you to let us PROVE everything we say Tube Charge can do for you.
Join us inside right now and face no risk at all.
If you’re not completely thrilled with Tube Charge – if you only get 5 videos to the top of Google this week, and you wanted to get 6 –
Or if you’re not satisfied for any other reason, you’ll simply send us an email and you’ll receive an immediate, full refund of the investment you’re going to make today.
That means…
The only risk you face is missing out on Tube Charge...
And kissing ALL of the easy page 1 rankings that can result in massive profit,
new clients, and new subscribers, Goodbye.

Don’t risk that. Don’t let your videos go stale and produce ZERO results. Don’t bother putting in effort and energy into new videos that will never get all the views and traffic they deserve.
Give Tube Charge a try instead – and prepare to be very impressed and happy.
Here’s What You Should Do Now
Click the button below that corresponds to the package you want.
We recommend the ProAgency because it gets you the most value out of the gate AND you can use it for your client campaigns as well. This could result in page one rankings just MINUTES from now for yourself OR your clients. .
Whichever package you want – it’s important to act right now, while monthly fees are waived. Come back to this page after the countdown hits zero, and you’ll have to invest monthly in our Tube Charge membership.
So it makes the most sense to try it right now, where you can lock in access to Tube Charge for one small investment.
We can’t wait to see you inside, and we can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use Tube Charge on a Mac and PC?
Yes, Tube Charge is web-based, so it actually doesn’t matter what operating system you used. As long as you have a web-browser and an internet connection, you’re good to go.
Are there any other “hidden” fees I should expect?
You’re getting everything already built-in. No proxies or captchas to pay for, NONE of that.
How quickly can I rank my videos with Tube Charge?
This obviously depends on A LOT of factors. Especially the niche/keywords that you’re targeting. However the beautiful thing about Tube Charge is that is allows you to target DOZENS of keywords at a time and swift through the winners in record time. This allows you to be as efficient as possible with your campaigns and focus your time on the winners only.
Do you have an Upgrades/OTO’s/Upsells?
We have 4.
OTO 1 is going to be our TubeCharger+ (PLUS) level which unlocks A LOT more power and a lot more automation. You’ll be able to increase the number of videos you can spin, the number of videos you can optimize, the number of videos you can upload, AND the number of YT channels you can connect. $47/quarter or $42/m
OTO 2 is our TubeCharger Silo’er feature.
Here you will be able to supercharge your campaigns by unlocking our exclusive Silo’er system so that your campaigns carry a MUCH stronger punch.Every seo marketer knows the power of creating SILO’s. The more link juice that is passed from one video to another, , the stronger your campaigns will be. And with the INSANE amount of authority that YouTube has, it’s like having their authority in your corner BOOSTING up each video you upload.
This is a NO-BRAINER offer. $67 One-time
OTO 3 is a special offer for DFY Suite.
DFY Suite is our powerful platform where you will be able to get MASS video syndication to all of your campaigns and have it ALL done FOR YOU! Social Syndication is the GLUE that sticks your videos on page 1 of Google and YT for the long-term. And we’ve simplified it by DOING IT FOR YOU!
It’s the PERFECT fit so you can complete the ENTIRE video ranking circle. $47 one-time for 5,000 credits.
OTO 4 will be a special offer for Thumbnail Rocket
We all know that custom Thumbnails drive an INSANE amount of additional traffic WITHOUT having to do much additional work. If it comes down to having a custom thumbnail and NOT having a custom thumbnail, there’s a good chance the video WITH a custom thumbnail is going to get “the click”.
And since with TubeCharge you’ll be able to create and upload videos in BULK, with Thumbnail Rocket, you’ll be able to edit the THUMBNAILS of ALL of your videos in BULK!
I don’t need to explain how LONG it would take to do this manually, do I?
Yup, it’s the PERFECT offer to ensure you can get even MORE traffic by simply adding Custom Thumbnails in bulk. PLUS, we’re going to be including a bundle of PRE-made thumbnails you can use right away! $37 one time.